Danio support signal during instance's life cycle, all sql operation interact with model instance (receive or return instance as param) will call those signal method:
after_read - called after the instance has been read from database
async def after_read(self) -> None
before_create - called before the instance has been created to database
- after_create - called after the instance has been created to database
- before_update
- after_update
- before_delete
- after_delete
Special signal:
after_init - called after the instance has been init (call by
actually)def after_init(self) -> None
count = 0
class Pet(danio.Model):
name: str = danio.field(danio.CharField)
age: int = danio.field(danio.IntField)
code: str = ""
def after_init(self):
self.code = f"{}_{self.age}"
async def after_create(self):
await super().after_create()
count += 1
async def after_delete(self):
await super().after_delete()
count -= 1