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Make queries

Danio making queries by model's instance method and class method.

Base method

There are basic instance method:


insert instance to database

async def create(
    self: MODEL_TV,
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
    fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = (),
    validate: bool = True,


update instance data to database

async def update(
    self: MODEL_TV,
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
    fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = (),
    validate: bool = True,
) -> bool


insert or update instance data to database

async def save(
    self: MODEL_TV,
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
    fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = (),
    validate: bool = True,


refetch instance data from database by primary key

async def refetch(
    self: MODEL_TV,
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
    fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = tuple(),
) -> MODEL_TV:


async def delete(
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
) -> bool


await Cat(name="dangdang", age=5).create()
await Cat(id=1, name="dangdang", age=5).update()
await Cat(name="dangdang", age=5).save()  # call create
await Cat(id=1, name="dangdang", age=5).save()  # call update
await Cat(id=1).delete()

database and fields params

All query method support database param, if not set danio will call cls.get_database to obtain one database instance.And we can pass a database with transaction, eg:

db = Cat.get_database(danio.Operation.UPDATE, Cat.table_name)
async with db.transaction():
    cat = await Cat.where( == 1, database=db).for_update().fetch_one()
    if cat: += "_updated"

All query method with model layer(interact with model instance), support fields param, means only those fields will be select, insert or update, eg:

cat = await Cat.where().fetch_one(fields=[])
print(  # will be 0(default id value)
await Cat(id=1, name="dangdang", age=5).update(fields=[])  # only name field will be update in database

Where Chain

Danio use where chain to express and execute basic SQL actually.

def where(
    cls: typing.Type[MODEL_TV],
    *conditions: SQLExpression,
    database: typing.Optional[Database] = None,
    fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = tuple(),
) -> Crud[MODEL_TV]

Read(Model layer)

Get instance or raw data back from database:

  • where().fetch_all - select all matched data and return a list of model instance
  • where().fetch_one - select first matched data and return one model instance


cats = await Cat.where().fetch_all()
await cats[-1].delete()
cat = await Cat.where().fetch_one()
await cat.delete()

Other operation

Except fetch_all, fetch_one, there are raw sql operation method(without model layer) for where chain:

  • fetch_count - select count

    async def fetch_count(self) -> int

  • fetch_row - fetch row data from database

    async def fetch_row(self, fields: typing.Sequence[Field] = tuple()) -> typing.List[typing.Mapping]

  • update - update data by condition without model layer

    async def update(self, **data) -> int

  • delete - without model layer too

    async def delete(self) -> int

  • for_update - select with UPDATE lock

    def for_update(self: CRUD_TV) -> CRUD_TV

  • for_select - select with SHARE lock

    def for_select(self: CRUD_TV) -> CRUD_TV

  • use_index - select with index hints

    def use_index(self: CRUD_TV, indexes: typing.Sequence[str], _for: str = "") -> CRUD_TV

  • force_index - select with index hints

    def force_index(self: CRUD_TV, indexes: typing.Sequence[str], _for: str = "") -> CRUD_TV

  • ignore_index - select with index hints

    def ignore_index(self: CRUD_TV, indexes: typing.Sequence[str], _for: str = "") -> CRUD_TV

  • limit

    def limit(self, n: int) -> Crud

  • offset

    def offset(self, n: int) -> Crud

  • order_by

    def order_by(self, f: typing.Union[Field, SQLExpression], asc=True) -> Crud


await Cat.where().delete()
count = await Cat.where().fetch_count()
print(count)  # will be 0
await Cat.where().update(name="all_updated")


await Cat.where().offset(20).limit(10).fetch_all()
await Cat.where().order_by(, asc=False).fetch_all()
await Cat.where().for_update().fetch_all()
await Cat.where().for_share().fetch_all()

Where Condition

Danio overwrite field class's some magic method like __eq__, __gt__ and other else for simplify express sql condition.

def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> SQLExpression:  # type: ignore[override]


await Cat.where( == 1).delete()
await Cat.where( == 1).fetch_one()
await Cat.where( == "old").update(name="new")

Danio support simple expressions for now:

  • ==
  • ">"
  • ">="
  • <
  • <=
  • !=

Danio also support sql like and contain condition, eg:

await Cat.where([1, 2, 3])).fetch_all()
await Cat.where("%name%")).fetch_all()  # for char/text field only

Danio also support complicated expression:

await Cat.where(( + 1) >  ## `id` + 1 > 1
await Cat.where(( < 10) | ( > 20)).fetch_one()  ## id < 10 or id > 20

And we can combine multiple condition by where chain, eg:

await Cat.where( > 10, < 20).fetch_all()  # 10 < id < 20
await Cat.where( > 10).where( < 20).fetch_all()  # 10 < id < 20
await Cat.where( < 10).where( > 20, is_and=False).fetch_all()  # id < 10 or id > 20